Competitive Pickleball play at your home community!

Established in 2017, the Palm Beach County Pickleball League allows players living in communities in the Palm Beach area the ability to have competitive level Pickleball.  We started with 7 communities and is rapidly growing to include many more communities. To participate a community must have at least 2 dedicated Pickleball courts and 15 to 20 players, 55+ in age (men or women).  The League has a Fall season running from mid October to mid December and a Spring Season running from mid January to mid April.  Play occurs on Saturday mornings on a rotational basis among all teams.  Each match consists of 5 lines of doubles, each line playing best 2 of 3 games.  Contact the Coordinator, Walter Gassner, here, or (828)387-5455 for further information.


Join our League!