Enrollment season for the Fall season has closed. We have 56 teams, up from 52 teams last Fall. We're expecting another 12 teams in the Spring.
We will have the schedule ready for you in about a week. Season will start Oct 8th at 11am. For Divisions 2 -> 8, we will have 7 games in the season, followed by a Semi Finals, followed by a Finals. For Division 1, we will have each team play each other TWICE, with no playoffs, so a ten game season.
Awards Luncheon will be at the Fountains on 12/21 for trophies and prizes...
We will have a Captains meeting by Zoom on October 6th at 10am.
Be on the watch for the schedules to be announced soon.
In 3 weeks we send out "Requests to Join" messages to all teams that previously played and to those new communities that have expressed a desire to join.
It appears that we will have either 8 or 9 Divisions this Fall season. If you have not done so, and are interested in joining, please contact Walter Gassner, Coordinator, at pbcPickleballLeague@gmail.com, or (828)387-5455, and give him your name, your community name and tell him you wish more information about the League.
We are at the half way mark of the Spring 2022 Season. Because of the weather conditions we have re-written some of the Rules regarding game delays. Please review the Rules often. Also, Forfeiting ANY Line has been adapted by the League.
Finally, after all the disturbances that COVID brought, we are finishing the Fall 2021 season with a great setup of Finals! 12 great teams will play in the finals. We have abandoned the concept of "Neutral Venues" because of COVID this year, but hope to have that concept back next season.. And speaking of next season, we already have 62 teams lined up for Spring 2022!
Also this season we will give out the Trophies and MVP awards at Valencia Bay and Not have an Awards Luncheon.
In a few days we will publish the entire calendar and Division setups for the Spring 2022 season. Watch the website for news!
What a crazy year this has been! First bad, then better, then bad again, now maybe finally coming to the end. Who knows what Oct 16th will look like! BUT, we're ready IF everything is good, or at least better.
We have 46 teams (up from 42 last year) in 6 Divisions. All rosters are in, and schedules have been posted..
We have new communities and they are all anxious to start! Bellaggio and Polo Trace have each brought in 2 teams, St. Andrews and Villaggio have each brought in 1 team.
Some communities are still on the fence, and some Boards have not decided yet to allow outside teams into their venues. If they don't allow, those games will have to be forfeited. Not what we would want, but it'll have to be. We plan to have a Captains' meeting (by Zoom) on Oct 4th and we'll have more information by then. Stay tuned....
Finally! Covid vaccinations are successful and we're gearing up to re-start our League in October. Letters will be sent out to all teams in early August asking for preliminary rosters and confirmations for joining. As many as 5 new communities have expressed interest in joining.
Happy New Year!
We had the largest turnout for our Awards Luncheon at end of season...over 150 players and spouses and Pro's! Lots of give-a-ways and prizes.
This next season will be our biggest yet!
We'll have 42 teams (up from 35) and spread out into 6 Divisions!
Deadline for Rosters is 5pm Jan 10th.
Captains Meeting is Jan 15th at Valencia Bay in the Clubhouse. On Lyons Road, just north of Atlantic Ave.
First game is Jan 18th. Schedule on website. Once you see it, you can Print it by right clicking on it.
Any questions, please contact me (828)387-5455.
New teams are coming in, new players are coming in, new Division 5 being set up! Your PBC Pickleball League is growing, again! It is being set up as we speak... We've grown to 35 teams, up from 31 last season. Please look at your team roster for accuracy and spelling. Almost 800 players involved. Captains will be informed of all schedules at their Captains' meeting on Oct 7th at 10am.
We finished last season with 3 sets of great finals, and a wonderful end of season Awards Luncheon.
This coming season, we have grown an unbelievable 50% to 31 teams. We're gaining a 4th Division, and scheduling will be up soon.
Captains' meeting will be at Valencia Bay Clubhouse on Wednesday Jan 9 at 10am.
Finals will be held at a neutral venue, which was picked out months ago based on seating and viewing ability.
Division 1 Finals: Hunter's Run 1 vs. Valencia Cove 1 will be held at Avalon Estates at 11am
Division 2 Finals: Valencia Cove 2 vs. Venetian Isles 1 will be held at Coral Lakes at 12:30pm
Division 3 Finals: Huntington Lakes vs. Valencia Cove 3 will be held at Venetian Isles at 11am
Enrollment for the Fall Season is closed, and we have three FULL Divisions of 7 teams each!
Give me a couple of days and I'll get the schedules ready for you. Keep looking at website for dates.
Captains' meeting Wednesday, Oct 3 at 10 am at Valencia Bay, Men's Poker Room.
4 more teams want "In" for the Spring Season!
Growth continues! We will have 3 Divisions this Fall! More sponsors signing on!
Looking forward to have schedules ready for early September. Enrollment over in 1 week for ALL TEAMS.
Growth is good! We have 18 teams in two Divisions this season. The weather has been cooperating with no rain delays. We're about half way through our Spring '18 season and have had many exciting games. No more changes to the rosters this season. Remember, top 4 teams in each Division get into the Playoffs.
Planning for the Awards luncheon has begun. Date is March 26th at noon at Copenhagen's. Seating will be limited (100 seats for 360 players) so send your check to your captain as soon as possible.
What a day!!
The Finals were played today and two spectacular events were seen by all!
Valencia Cove squeaked by Hunter's Run in a 6-5 nail-biter, determined by Line 5.
Valencia Reserve 2 just edged by Palm Isles also 6-5, determined by the last game of a three set tie breaker in Line 5.
Hope to see you Monday at our Luncheon when we give out all the trophies, and many surprise gifts!
The Playoffs are set. The teams have been chosen. Next Saturday #1 will play #4, and #2 will play #3 in each Division. Winners meet the following week. Division 1 will play the finals in Avalon Estates at 11am, Division 2 finals will play at Coral Lakes at 1pm.
To all PBC Pickleball League Players
Exciting news! Your attendance is requested at our first End of Season Awards Luncheon.
Team Trophies will be awarded and exciting raffle prizes and gifts for attendees.
Where: Copenhagen Restaurant
3441 W. Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach
When: Monday, December 18, 12 Noon
Cost: $30 pp (includes tax and tip) Give non-refundable check to your team Captain, payable to: Walter Gassner.
Menu: House Salad and choice of:
Choice of: Tilapia Sweet Potato Chicken Français
Grilled Salmon Wiener Schnitzel
Veal Marsala Linguini Shrimp
Dessert and non-alcoholic Beverage
All reservations must be received by Captains by November 28. Seating is limited so get your reservations in early. Priority seating will be given to team roster members, spouses may attend on a space available basis.
Our first week is in the books! 6 teams played in Division 2, and NO RAIN! Everyone sent in their scores, and with a little tweaking, went on the website. Next week, we start Division 1 and continue Division 2. Good luck to all! Thanks for being so patient with our new system.
Three teams couldn't fill their rosters in time for the opening of the Fall season, but will join in the Spring. So this Fall we will have 6 teams in Division 1, and 7 teams in Division 2. The schedules have been made and can be seen on this website. The Captains' meeting will be this Wednesday 10/4/17 at 10 am at Avalon Estates. Please be sure that ALL Captains or their representatives attend this meeting. Please bring all signed waivers to this meeting.
Again we have a standing 5% discount at Pickleball Central, and an additional 5% goes to the League for every dollar spent. You need to enter CRPBCLeague as your Discount Code to obtain this discount for you and the League. Please distribute this to all your fellow Pickleball players.
We're starting the new Fall 2017 Season with a full complement of teams. We will be having two Divisions of 8 teams each. Our Captains' meeting will be held Wednesday October 4th at 10am at Avalon Estates which is on Hagan Ranch Road, just north of Flavor Pict Road in the Men's Poker Room. Please be sure that ALL Captains or their representatives attend this meeting. We will go over all the rules, the schedules, the score systems, and the reporting processes. All team Waiver forms should be signed and delivered to me at this meeting. If players play any games without signing these Waiver Forms, they will be disqualified and their match will be won by the opposing team. Any questions, contact Walter Gassner at pbcPickleballLeague@gmail.com or (828)387-5455.
First game will be 11am on Saturday, October 14th. The full schedule will be posted on line by October 1st.
Invitations have gone out to all the area communities who have expressed interest in joining the League for the Fall season.
It looks like there will be two Divisions of 8 teams each. I will publish the names as soon as the Rosters and Waivers come in.
Any questions, contact Walter Gassner at pbcPickleballLeague@gmail.com or (828)387-2672.
More news! Another team, Boca Grove has signed on completing the second Division. All new teams will need to be waited listed till we get to 21 teams. I've started on the Fall schedule already updating the website with new Teams, Rosters, and schedules. Take a look!
Coral Lakes has now joined making two full divisions of 7 teams each!
I'll be emailing all the captains with more information in August.
An additional team has come on-board! We will definitely have at least TWO divisions starting in the Fall.
Valencia Isles - welcome!
We're growing!
At least 7 new teams have expressed an interest in joining our League! They will be joining us in the Fall Season. They are:
1. Boca West
2. Hunter's Run
3. Valencia Cove
4. Valencia Pointe
5. The Grove
6. Yacht and Racquet Club of Boa Raton
7. Palm Isles
Our first spring pickleball season came to an exciting end today with the playing of the Finals between #2 Avalon Estates and #1 Villaggio Reserve. After an hour of play the results came down to the last game. Villaggio Reserve came out ahead and clinched the first place title!
There were at least 50 spectators enjoying the action. Trophies were presented to both the first and second placed teams. See pictures on Photo Page.
Another meeting is planned with the Board to approve of the additional teams requesting participation for the fall season. They will review the League rules and Team procedures to further enhance the enjoyment of all the participating players.
From time to time, I'll post some interesting little known facts that are part of the IFP Rules for Pickleball... This one came up at a game I played yesterday and no one knew the answer. Here is the rule:
Rule 12.J.3. If the ball bounces into a player's non-volley zone with enough backspin as to cause it to return back over the net, that player may reach over the net to hit the ball but may not touch the net.
The starting time for the Finals at Villaggio Reserve on Saturday has been changed from 11am to 10:30am! Please come early and bring seating since available seating is at a minimum.
Many thank to all the communities that have participated in this Spring season of our league. I would also like to thank all of the communities that have indicated to me that they will be joining us in the Fall season.
We are having our finals this coming Saturday, March 25 at 11am at Villagio Reserve, and I would like to invite you, and anyone from your respective teams, to come and watch this event. Please bring lawn chairs since available seating will be at a minimum. Please tell the front gate that you are with the Palm Beach County Pickleball League and have come to watch the match.
So many of you have expressed how much you enjoyed participating in our first season. I hope you visit our website, www.pbcPickleballLeague.com for upcoming news, schedules, forms and photos, and to support our sponsors. Watch for news regarding the Fall season starting in mid August.
If I can be of any further service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Come back here often and take a look at "What's news" at the Palm Beach County Pickleball League website!
CLUB REWARD PROGRAM - a new League participant benefit!
Pickleball Central has graciously enrolled us in the CLUB REWARD PROGRAM!
You need to enter CRPBCLeague as your Discount Code to obtain this discount for you and the League. Please distribute this to all your fellow Pickleball players. You can start NOW to use this code!
The code will provide 5% discount off everything purchased from PickleballCentral.com. Another 5% of the purchase price goes into a "kitty" for the club. Over the year 2017, 5% of every purchase that used your code will go into the club's kitty.
In February 2018, they will email us a special gift certificate for the value of whatever is in the kitty for 2017. All money credited to the League will go back to our players as prizes.
In the next couple of weeks, we will send your captains membership cards with your League's discount code printed on it. You can distribute these cards to your Pickleball team members and people interested in pickleball in your local area.